A Moment Apart | Fundação EDP

A Moment Apart


Ana Cristina Cachola
Inês Grosso
Ivo Mesquita


Fundação EDP; Documenta




978-972-8909-86-4 [FEDP], 978-989-8902-92-4 [Documenta]



The book A Moment Apart is being published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Vasco Araújo’s career and of the exhibition held by MAAT, which brings together a set of his works across various media, from the first film he directed while at Maumaus school, The Postman Always Rings Twice (2000), to the performance Libertas – on the condition of the free person, which he directed especially for this occasion. Essays by Ana Cristina Cachola and Inês Grosso, the exhibition curators, and Ivo Mesquita, are complemented by an extensive catalogue section, where texts by authors (Rosa Lleó, Joacine Katar Moreira, Chantal Pontbriand, André Tecedeiro, André e. Teodósio, among others) who were invited to write about each of the pieces are accompanied by photos of the pieces exhibited in gallery Central 2 of MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology.